Custom Instagram Landing Page

While there are third-party apps you can use to set up an Instagram landing page, having your own Instagram landing page allows you to draw traffic to your own website (instead of the third-party website), better monitor analytics and gives your more freedom and flexibility over the look and feel of your page.


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Custom Instagram Landing Page


Instagram only allows you just one link… use it wisely!

Why pay premium pricing for third-party apps when you can have full control and enjoy the benefits of having your own custom page:

  • unlimited customization
  • use of your own branding instead of preset themes
  • draws traffic to your website instead of a third party site
  • mailing list integration and social media links at no extra cost.
  • track analytics in detail

Basically, it’s a page on YOUR own website, so you can put anything you want on it. Here are a few ideas of what you can put on your page:

  • your latest blog posts
  • opt-in form or freebie download
  • links to new products or services
  • links to portfolios or pricing guides
  • popular pages or about me page
  • contact form

Let’s get started. Book your Instagram landing page build day.